MarocDroit  -  موقع العلوم القانونية
plateforme des décideurs juridiques - Platform of Legal Decision-Makers

The General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions 2024


The Office des Changes published the new version of the General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions, the provisions of which will apply from January 2, 2024.
The General Instruction for Foreign Exchange Transactions 2024 (IGOC 2024) introduces significant liberalization and relaxation measures for both current and capital operations, thus reflecting the irreversible directions experienced by foreign exchange regulations in terms of consolidation of the convertibility regime and simplification of provisions in favor of legal and natural persons.
Developed using a participatory and inclusive approach, the new Instruction provides for a set of facilitation and flexibility measures to better support economic operators in carrying out their international transactions.

Press release Publication of the

الخميس 4 أبريل 2024
MarocDroit "منصة مغرب القانون الأصلية"

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