Nador West Med is a future Moroccan port of transshipment oil which will be erected in the bay of Betoya, located 30 km west of the city of Nador in the eastern region of Rif. According, to Maghreb Arab Press news Agency; this complex would eventually include a large deep-water port, a power hub (production, packaging, and storage), a platform port with a large capacity for container handling, import and export and processing of bulk products in addition to an integrated industrial platform open to local and foreign investors to host the global businesses of Morocco.
By deciding to adopt this huge project, His Majesty the King Mohammed VI definitely sealed reconciliation between the Rif region which was long marginalized before the ambitious king getting to the throne and the rest of the country. Furthermore, Nador West Med will boost Rif region’s economy whose image was often associated for generations to drug trafficking and smuggling. This massive project which first phase would be completed by 2015, will provide thousands of stable jobs for Rif People. Indeed, a Port means project of roads and highway; improved connection to the railway network and a greater openness to the national economy, with more trade and industry in particular.
However, anxiousness was felt regarding the establishment of Nador Port specifically its impact on Tanger Med and Beni Ansar Port. According to M.Mehdi Tazi-Riffi , Nador West Med CEO appointed in February 2010 "A port is a facility built to last 50 years", so, Maybe it is better having two modern ports than a single one, just like Algeciras supported by Valencia and Barcelona. The idea of Nador West Med, the National Ports Agency and the Tangier Mediterranean Special Agency shareholders is to create a platform with free zone status for the transshipment of cargo and set up a refinery which objective is exporting to net importer of Europe diesel and U.S. applicants’ gasoline.
It is also important to remember that for people who are not familiar with the Mediterranean Sea, the abundant reliefs have always facilitated the construction of ports. To return to the port of Beni Nsar unfortunately this port built area is not close mountains, therefore does not have a deep draft of water, which would not make it able to welcome seas’ mega transporter ships.
It should also be recalled that unlike it was announced in 2009 Nador West Med project would not host a gas terminal anymore. It will, however, be dedicated to petroleum products trading and other activities stated M. Fouad Douiri, Minister of Energy and Mines. However, the option of a gas terminal is not abandoned. It will be built in the region of Jorf Lasfar or on the Atlantic coast. Work could start in 2014 and the project would be ready by 2019. He also added "This is a geostrategic vision. There are two pipelines that join the north of Morocco. Having two entry points is security for the country"
Finally, and thanks to His Majesty’s wise and long term vision this project could see the sunlight. The political stability and emerging economy of the country is a fertile ground for investment and capital fructification. The opening of the economy allows Morocco to play a platform and bridgehead role towards Africa, Europe and the United States. Moreover, the strategic partnership signed with golf countries in 2011, which provides funding for development projects in Morocco, up to five billion Dollars over five years allowed the project’s financing.
Zineb Louh
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تدبير الهجرة في ضوء المبادرة الأطلسية
“Nador West Port” Morocco’s Gate to Global Tradingالاربعاء 5 ديسمبر 2012
MarocDroit منصة مغرب القانون "الأصلية"
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أرشيف الدراسات و الأبحاث
دور الفنان المغربي في دعم القضايا الوطنية (الدبلوماسية الموازية نموذج)