MarocDroit  -  موقع العلوم القانونية
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His Majesty the king Mohammed VI of Morocco pursues his wave of humanitarian aid and assistance


Zineb Louh

Chercheure en Droit International

His Majesty the king Mohammed VI of Morocco pursues his wave of humanitarian aid and assistance

Morocco has consistently contributed to the international efforts for the achievement of a just and lasting peace and Human rights respect in the Middle East. In this context of cooperation and solidarity, His Majesty the king Mohammed VI pursues his wave of assistance to Syrians refugees through humanitarian aid, financial and technical assistance, as well as infrastructure and management training. Syrian refugees located in Jordan and Turkey, in both Zaatari and Gazi Antep, were provided by a humanitarian support under royal instructions of his Majesty the King Mohammed VI, an additional assistance was sent for these displaced populations, comprising 2000 tents treated against the winter cold that has plagued the region which would be distributed equally between both camps has reported Maghreb Arab press news Agency.

In fact, a Moroccan plane carrying the first batch of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees in south Turkey landed Wednesday afternoon in Turkish Adana Airport. This first shipment, which consists of 250 tents treated against winter cold, will be sent to Gaziantep, a region located approximately in the south east of Istanbul nearby the border with Syria. Another plane also carrying 250 tents was expected in the same day at the airport of Adana. Moreover, it has been confirmed that two other planes will arrive in the coming days in Turkey with 500 other tents, which would make it a total of 1,000 tents, being available to Syrian refugees who left their country invaded by violent clashes between regime forces and opponents calling for the resignation of President Bashar Al Assad.

It should be recalled that on high royal instructions, hospital medical-surgical field was installed last August in camp Zaatari. This assistance has been mobilized by the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation and the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity. Donations of food, medicines and blankets were also sent to the camp for refugees and Syrians specifically for elders and children.

الخميس 29 نونبر 2012
MarocDroit منصة مغرب القانون "الأصلية"

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