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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2023-2024 - Morocco climbs three places in world ranking


The 2023/24 Human Development Report assesses the dangerous gridlock resulting from uneven development progress, intensifying inequality, and escalating political polarization, that we must urgently tackle. The report emphasizes how global interdependence is being reconfigured and proposes a path forward where multilateralism plays a pivotal role.


Why does pursuing the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement feel like a half-hearted slog through quicksand?
Why in many places does restoring peace, even pauses or ceasefires as hopeful preludes to peace, feel so elusive?
Why are we immobilized on digital governance while artificial intelligence races ahead in a data goldrush?
In short, why are we so stuck? And how do we get unstuck without resorting myopically to violence or isolationism? These questions motivate the 2023/2024 Human Development Report .

HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2023-2024 - Morocco climbs three places in world ranking
hdr2023_24reporten.pdf hdr2023-24reporten.pdf  (5.12 ميغا)

Morocco has climbed three places in the global Human Development Index ranking, according to the Human Development Report 2023-2024 published Wednesday in New York by the United Nations Development Programme.

The report, which is a benchmark for analyzing development indicators and challenges worldwide, highlights Morocco’s human development efforts, particularly in the fields of education, health and economic development, to ensure social inclusion and equitable opportunities for all citizens, says a press release from the National Observatory for Human Development.

Morocco has moved up from 123rd to 120th place in the world, which is a significant achievement in terms of ranking, the Observatory points out, noting that for the first time in over ten years, Morocco has achieved such a performance, improving its ranking by three places in one go.

The Human Development Report also highlighted the Kingdom’s ongoing efforts to close gender-based gaps, noting at the same time the need to continue facilitating women’s access to education, health and economic integration opportunities.

In general terms, according to the press release, the report notes tangible achievements in terms of sustainable development and social inclusion, while emphasizing the imperative of continuing efforts in terms of improving access to education and health, economic integration and the fight against climate change.

On this occasion, the National Observatory for Human Development says that “this achievement is UN recognition of the efforts made by Morocco in terms of implementing various social State projects in line with the High Royal Vision, notably through in-depth reform of the health and education systems, the generalization of access to medical coverage, the launch of direct social assistance and direct housing assistance programs, and birth bonuses, in full compliance with the Royal Directives.”

The Observatory takes a positive view of the government’s approach to implementing the High Royal Guidelines, which aim to make the family the cornerstone of all social reforms and programs, in order to protect society from the risks of economic and social vulnerability, the press release concludes.

الجمعة 15 مارس 2024
MarocDroit "منصة مغرب القانون الأصلية"

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